The Hesketh Tavern, Cheadle Hulme – 10km

Right out of the pub under the railway bridge, right on Albert Road (which turns into Ladybridge Road), past Daz’s, right onto the river before you get to the March Hare, follow the river, you’ll go up and over Bramhall Park Road, back into the park, follow the path through and you come out near that big roundabout. Turn right up the hill and head towards Bramhall. After you cross Carrwood Road on your right a 5 minute sprint segment begins (0.6 mile). When you get into Bramhall head up Moss/Acre Lane towards Roo’s house. Right at the end on Grove Lane, right at the mini-roundabout on Gilbent Road, right at the next mini-roundabout onto Church Road, left at the next mini-roundabout onto Ack Lane West and then somehow wind your way back to the pub. Sorry can’t be bothered to describe it, have a look at the map. Alternatively go left at the Church Road mini-roundabout but it will be a bit under 10km.

  1. Steve S (45:47 – 10km)
  2. Biggs (45:48)
  3. Steve C (47:44 – 9.2km)
  4. Roo (10km)
  5. Kev (10km)
  6. Owen (49:54 – 10km)

A last minute change of venue meant we didn’t get to take on the segment we originally had planned (Palatine Road dash) which meant we were only competing between ourselves again. A different winner this week though with Biggs opening the taps on the “Bramhall Lane Break” and leaving the rest of the Warriors trailing in his wake.