Ye Olde Cock, Didsbury – 11km

This week’s run was from the refurbished Old Cock in Didsbury to take advantage of the Cask Ale festival. I can recommend the Pinnacle. It was also the first week that we incorporated a Strava segment into the route meaning a sprint up Didsbury Road.

Down to Parrs Wood, up Wilmslow Road towards Cheadle, left onto the river at the Galleon, under the Pyramid roundabout then left up Didsbury Road, right on Burnage lane, left on Fog, left on Parrs Wood, right on Wilmslow and home.

  1. Biggs (49:30)
  2. Steve S (49:36 – 11km)
  3. Roo
  4. Owen
  5. Steve C (56:51)
  6. Ben