Manchester Marathon 2013

So, the big one, the Manchester marathon, four hardy Warriors took on the challenge. Fortunately the weather was a lot better than last year. Cool, no rain, a bit windy at times but nothing like as bad as last year. On the line was a £50 charity pledge from Warrior O to whichever man crossed the line closest to his predicted time. He even offered to double it to £100 for anyone within 1 minute of their prediction.

All four Warriors made it round in under four hours which was a great effort. As expected Biggs was the first home and also won the charity prize pot coming in within 3 minutes of his prediction.

The final scores on the doors were:

  1. Biggs (3:12:34 – 453rd overall)
  2. Steve S (3:13:14 – 486th)
  3. Kev (3:54:03 – 2,467th)
  4. Roo (3:57:45 – 2,771th)

Great work all round, lots of cash raised for lots of worthwhile causes. 3 hours next year for me & Biggs, 3.5 for Kev & Roo, and hopefully a few more of the warriors will take the plunge.

What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger etc.

Here are a few unflattering photos of us wearing bin bags/recovery blankets/in the recovery position:

Steve & Biggs pre-raceRoo recovery
Biggs post race re-fuelLooking even older than normal...