The Ship Inn, Styal – 11km

This week was the annual cross-country through Styal Woods and a number of random farms before returning to Styal via Quarry Bank Mill. It’s a nice summer run but there are many opportunities to get lost, fall over (Matt), tread in cow dung, get chased by bulls/geese, have heart palpitations (Steve C), and destroy your running shoes in a bog (me). This explains the rather leisurely pace.

  1. Biggs (01:05:36)
  2. Steve S (01:06:31)
  3. Matt (01:08:00)
  4. Roo
  5. Ben (01:10:04)
  6. Steve C
The Ship Inn is recommended for it’s crisp selection, Bacon Fries and Beef Monster Munch, doesn’t get much better than that.