Great Manchester Run 10km

Great times from the Warriors taking part in this year’s Manchester 10km:

  1. Biggs – 41:27
  2. Matt – 44:12
  3. Roo – 47:12

Unfortunately I couldn’t be there as I was travelling back from London. I asked the lads whether they had any photos or anecdotes to share from the day and this is what they came up with:

Biggs: “No pictures unfortunately but Not So Fat Matt couldn’t fill his large T-shirt so he put his running shirt back on, jumped the fence and collected another medium bag.  Tried to swag a small for me but got busted by some army child.  You’ve got one already you snide git.  This is a charity event!”

Roo: “When I got back to the car after the run I nearly absent mindedly drank from the lucozade bottle I’d p*ssed in before the run. Probably would have tasted better.”